Corbyn called out on his hypocrisy over Syrian refugees!

Manchester Opposition Leader John Leech has slammed Jeremy Corbyn's claims that he will tackle the Syrian refugee crisis as Labour's flagship council continues to reject them.
In his keynote speech, Jeremy Corbyn said: "We will also make a far more determined effort to help bring the terrible war in Syria to an end, a war that has led to millions of refugees."
But Manchester's Opposition Leader John Leech has slammed Corbyn's flagship council for turning their backs instead of following their leader.
He said: "Jeremy Corbyn is saying all the right words but he must look a little closer to home and start with Manchester Council, which has been rejecting Syrian refugees since the crisis began.
"I have demanded, begged and pleaded with them to show some compassion but Manchester Labour has closed the door and turned their backs on the biggest refugee crisis we have ever faced, including desperate lone children.
"If Jeremy Corbyn is serious about his promise to tackle the Syrian conflict, he must start by forcing his flagship council in line and agree to my demands of housing 50 of the most at-risk and vulnerable Syrian families."
In 2014, Labour held every one of the 96 seats on Manchester Council. The Liberal Democrats have since made a comeback with the return of former MP John Leech, but that hasn't stopped Labour bulldozing over demands to house refugees.
In 2016, John Leech worked alongside Rethink Rebuild Society (RRS), a community organisation that works to improving the lives of Syrians and helping them become positively established within British society.
Together, they demanded that Manchester Council house 50 of the most vulnerable Syrian families and as many as possible unaccompanied children, but the council refused, simply responding that "Manchester was prepared to play their part."
Dr. Haytham Alhamwi, Managing Director of RRS, said: "We are asking Manchester City Council to accept at least 50 Syrian families through the Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme that was announced in 2015.
"We also ask Manchester City Council to accept as many unaccompanied Syrian children as possible, who are in urgent need for all kinds of support".
- Unaccompanied asylum-seeking children from around the world housed in Manchester:
2013: 2
2014: 1
2015: 3
2016: 3