Lib Dems demand more affordable housing

This council is directly responsible for the lack of affordable housing in Manchester. Liberal Democrats demand affordable homes and an end to homelessness in Manchester.
We will rewrite Manchester's housing policy from the bottom up.
Manchester's Labour bosses have failed to enforce the building of affordable homes in the city for years. Instead many new build houses are sold for private landlords to rent.
Local recreational land such as the red rec and Godfrey Ermen is constantly under threat of development for new housing unsuitable for local needs.
Liberal Democrats demand that every housing development provides at least 20% affordable homes, and that affordable accommodation is available for young people to help the transition to adulthood so that they know that their council is looking out for them.
Scrap Labour's Homelessness Tax!
Manchester's Labour bosses have introduced a nasty policy that fines homeless people taking shelter in archways, doorways and tents up to £100.
Worse still, if they do not pay then Manchester's Labour bosses take them to court where they face a £1,000 fine.
Jackie Pearcey told us that "The Homelessness Tax is arguably the worst policy ever enforced by Manchester's Labour bosses."
Liberal Democrats want to scrap Labour's Homeless Tax and instead introduce a clear and compassionate plan to get Manchester's street homeless off the streets and and into homes.
- Manchester's Labour bosses waste over £ 300 million on Town Hall renovations whilst rough sleepers bed down in the archways underneath.
- Manchester's Labour Bosses can find over £ 112 million for a new performing arts centre whilst slashing community budgets.
- Manchester's Labour bosses can afford to repair the city's failing fountains at a cost of over £ 1.2 million whilst people live homeless and hungry on the streets of our City.