Potholes, pavements and a council failing to sort them out

Last year the Council received £100 million for road improvements from the Government, but under spent by a quarter despite our roads being in the worst condition for decades. That isn't cuts, it's incompetence.
Jackie Pearcey confirmed "Liberal Democrats will follow up on all resurfacing works and make sure that you are informed throughout the process. We will not let the Council get away with delaying work or under spending budgets, and we won't rest until our roads are safe for all commuters and pedestrians alike."
The Liberal Democrats are also proposing that the Council should introduce:
- Spot inspection of resurfaced roads;
- A published repair and renewal programme for all roads in the City; and
- A publication of all reported potholes, the programmed repair date and the actual repair date.
Jackie added that "Taxpayers should be able to expect quality work, not sticking-plaster solutions. Liberal Democrats demand better quality roads and road repairs in our city."