The most rubbish refuse collection service ever.

With the bins lottery that has been created by Manchester's Labour bosses in which one item in the wrong bin can result in rubbish not being collected, the communal bins are always overflowing and the small bins are simply not able to cope with household waste we need a Councillor who will call out Labour's incompetent refuse service.
Labour claim that they are tackling fly-tipping in the area, but the simple truth is that their mismanagement of our refuse collection is the cause of the problem, not the solution to it.
If Labour are tackling the problem of fly tipping in Gorton, why then is Jackie Pearcey having to report so much of it?
We need a local councilor who will challenge the ongoing failure of Manchester's Labour bosses to tackle the refuse collection sytem, not another Labour Councillor making vague promisies and achieving nothing.