Manchester's Labour bosses stand accused of paying lip-service to making buildings disabled accessible as they fail to include suitable wheelchair access in the planning conditions for their latest sacred cow, a £ 112 million arts centre, to be called "The Factory" on the site of the former Granada Studios. The board overseeing the new development have drawn criticism after failing to feature a single qualified architect and as a result the project has already been hit by a number of push-backs including a £1.65m overspend on redesigning the theatre to rectify acoustics problems before a single brick was laid.
National campaign group Best for Britain and Manchester's Opposition Liberal Democrats, are calling on the City Council to pass an official policy motion in support of a the final say on the Brexit deal. In the referendum in 2016 Manchester voted by a large majority to remain in the European Union, and with thousands of jobs in the City under threat, and EU Grants that have helped rebuild the city no longer available, Manchester will be much worse off out under any Brexit deal.
When you ask your Labour councillors in Manchester if potholes can be fixed they will tell you that they don't have the money because of government cuts, and yet £18 million of money set aside to repair our roads went unspent last year. That's not cuts, it's incompetence. Manchester Council today announced the next phase of Manchester's highways investment but completely failed to admit that their mismanagement of our city means nearly £18m has been wiped from this year's spending.
Have you wondered why there are so many people begging in Manchester's City Centre? Well one of the answers is the total lack of support given to people leaving the City's prisons to return to society.
Local residents in Gorton are reeling from the announcement that they are to lose their last remaining High Street bank as the Royal Bank of Scotland closes its branch in Gorton District Centre this November. Whilst basic banking services such as paying in cheques and other money or cash withdrawals will still be possible at WH Smiths' Post Office on Wellington Street, anything that requires being face to face with a banker will now require a trip into the city centre, which by bus equates to an £8 charge for every visit.